Thursday, 25 September 2008

Irish Winter Festival

I must say its been a while since posting but i guess if i spent so much time before talking shit on here its only right that i should post about something like this.

I never have been one for satellites after being the bubble boy time after time for the gukpt. Played 4 of those this year and bubbled in three of them nasty to say the least. worst one being getting it in pre flop with aj std getting called by a3 and his kicker pairing on the turn.


At the first attempt at the Irish winter festival. bingo :-) we are in. This went the complete opposite of other qualifiers instead of going to the final table chipped up I had mothered a baby stack the whole way through the comp reaching the final table with about 8 bb's I went on to win it outright.

Total package from betfred worth $4500

  • Entry into the Paddy Power Irish winter festival (Gtd prize pool of 1 million euros)
  • 4 nights at the city west hotel Dublin
  • A trip to the Guinness brewery on the Friday
  • Reception party and dinner on arrival
  • Extra spending money
  • Flights and accommodation for me and a guest

Apart from the fact that I'm over the moon to be getting the chance to play this event for the price of $50 qualifier, the chance to stay at the city west is a prize worth bragging about in its own right. The place looks amazing have a look

Before the emails start coming in after a long hard think I've decided to take cashbiatch with so unlucky folks she got there first.

As for the comp itself I'm going to enjoy smashing all those paddy's to pieces on my way to the final.

Happy fucking days wish me luck
