Tuesday, 21 August 2007

southport £30 d/c f/o 1st place

Southport is probably my least favoured casino entries there are always small and training of staff just doesn't seem to happen. Arrived about half hour before start time to find out I'm the 7th entry only got 19 runners in the end. Started off very well with the table under grips when in a half hour guy on my left was playing very solid but picked a very bad time to make a wild play into a flop of qq7 when i checked in the sb he pushed with a5 button folded and i insta called with q10 and so I doubled through. This was when i found out players could actually have one add on or one re buy. This was a bit of a nightmare because i didn't take any more money with me and so it meant i couldn't have an add on. continued to build my stack gradually until i check raised with an open ender he called and hit his flush draw. I then got doubled up when I raised in early position with jj and got re rsed by a guy two seats to my right that i really had the measure had him on a pr i thought maybe 7s 9s at best he had 66.
I was in real god shape come the break being chip leader give or take a few but then the rest of the table had their add ons so that brought me down to average chips straight after the break i got moved and it all when wrong.
I re raised with pocket sevens pre and got re raiased all in. Put him on ak ish but couldnt call didn't know enough about him with just being moved.
next hand i got involved with was on the cut off I raised up with A5s got one caller who had played every hand ace on flop he check called me all the way to suck a king on the river for a straight. After that I'm in bad shape and loads of people limping into pots. I get into the pot with j8 os and flopped two pair idiot bets out and gets raised by next player I min re raise and the idiot goes all in i think the the only he could have is the straight but no he has 10j and my two pr holds up. settled down then and just grafted my way til there was four left. This level lasted for ever i was being real aggressive and getting lots of chips from the idiot. Made a call against a player all in after i had raised shes gone all in after a raise from a tight player and re raise from me she had AJ os I called with AK hearts and she caught not one but two jacks. That put me in real trouble on only 9k but was lucky when i put them all in a few times getting the blinds 1k/2k and then i got called from the short stack with A8 clubs vs my KQ clubs and i spiked a queen. Mr idiot went out on bubble making a call fro his tournament with A2 off and we were in the money. It was lots of pushing and shoving from there and we where heads up in no time.
The hand that finished it I'm in the bb the sb has limped which was very scary i was going to have to murder the board if my chips were going anywhere flop comes kj5 i have 67, she checks i Ch turn comes a 7 but I'm not playing she checks I check the river comes a seven she bets minimum i shove she calls wit pocket aces i win result £480 for £33 investment. later folks


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