Monday, 15 October 2007

Playing under the right conditions

This has to be one of the biggest fundamentals of playing a solid game of poker.
To many times we have all got home late from work and felt because we have spent the last 12 hours working for x amount of pounds per hour, then only its only right to have your own time and so decide to sit down and enter your favorite poker comp.
Of course this is where it all goes wrong. You have been on your feet or what ever concentrating for the last 12 hours solid and instead of getting a goods nights sleep you think your some sort of a machine and decide to play a multi table tournament that's going to take 4 hours to complete.
You know it doesn't make sense for a sec to even contemplate trying to perform this missiion but the problem is your think its only right because its your time now and you want to spend in enjoying yourself.
I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy yourself when playing this because that as you know is a must to become successful at the game, but what should over ride your decision to play a mtt is that you know fine rightly that there no way on earth you can concentrate for 4 solid hours after doing the shift in work you've just done.
This is one of the biggets problems for a lot of poker players to overcome and for some its impossible. They need to get straight in the door from work and jump to see what tournament is ready to enter.
Believe me I have suffered and still do it at times but the way I find easiest to get around it is to plan your day.
If you are a goal minded person then set yourself the goal to be disciplined. Make it your first rule that you only play mtt when you know have had the right time to prepare yourself, which might very well mean that you can only play them on your day off.
When you arrive home late from work, know in your own head that your not going through the door to play a multi and if you must play poker then only play a sit n go. If at any time paying a sit n go you feel tired then you know your only an hour away at most to finishing for the night and still a chance at making the money. If you enter a mtt and after 20 mins feel tired you might as well turn the pc off then because it will most likely take you at least another 3 hours to reach the money, and if you feel tired now then forget it.

This article probably sounds straight forward but think back how many times you've been tired, played poker, and lost and its probably most of the times you have played.
A lot people always think that they are the type of person that peaks in performance for the big events. What you will find out is, no matter in which sport, game, hobbies or whatever. The for this isn't because we switch ourselves on its because we always prepare better for the special events. We sleep well, we eat well, and focused on the task ahead. This doesn't happen when you rush home from work to play the $20k gtd freeze out starting at 1am.

All of this is just another fundamental which is vital for the human body to perform and as long as your giving your body the right preparation for a task like this, it means you already have an edge on your opponent before sitting down at the table


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