Friday, 31 August 2007

reality of poker office

I'm not really one for writing articles, but just for anyone that has had any bad experiences with lets say shady poker software tools or crappy ebooks that have turned out to be nonsense, this tool is a dream come true.

I got this software on a free trial last year for 300 hands and before I used them it just so happened i stopped playing online poker due to business commitments and work. I'm now at the stage where because I have a bit more free time on my hands been able to get back to playing online.

Now don't get get wrong, I'm much more of a fan of the live game of poker than I ever will be of the online game but it does have its benefits. You don't have to leave your PC after all so like many of you I simple stick the laptop on when I come across a free hour and hey presto I've got my fix and a few extra quid for my troubles.

So without rambling on about too much shit, I decided to get myself the full copy of poker office.

I was lucky enough to get this copy for free and Poker Office the company were happy to give it to me on the terms that I used it in my articles for people to read when they were browsing my blog. I'm under no pressure at the end of the day to try and sell this thing as I've already got a copy but if it can make the poker players more reliable then I'm up for that.

Some of the features in this tool are better than others. The most valuable one I find, is the table overlay. This is the piece of the software that tracks the amount of hands your opponents at the table play as well as how they played them and how they have won/lost or raised, re-raised, called or folded. Now you might sit there and try and tell me that you know all of this about your opponents because you watch them all carefully enough. Sorry you're chatting shit. There is no way on earth that any one could track ten players at a table and how they have played every single hand they have ever played against them, it's impossible.

So just this feature alone is worth every single penny.
That's not all it does though. It has different features as it can tell you how much you have won and lost without you having to track it yourself. It also builds a data base so every time you go onto poker office, which should be every time you play all the info ever gathered is there to build a picture about everyone that sits beside you at the tables. The data base not only tracks your profits and losses but also your opponents. So this part of the software is very useful in trying to work out if your opponent is successful in their own game.

I cant go on enough about how this picec of software can be so profitable to anyone's game just as long as they take the time to start the software every time you sit down to play a game of poker online.

The perfect case scenario I wish for now is that when I log onto an online multi table tournament is that everyone at my table has hand history in the data base. Right away this tool lets me know how many hands I have played against them. It tells me how each of them has played either tight aggressive or loose passive etc. I know straight from the out set wether or not I can steal blinds check raise with out having a hand of my own and from past history I have the necessary information available to work out what each players action represents.
Please have the common sense to understand the difference this piece of software can make to your game, and it doesn't cost a penny.

To find out how to get it free just go through one of the links on this blog.
Feel free to drop me a line and let me know how poker office has made a difference to your game. Skipper......


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