Sunday, 30 September 2007

Where Has All The Heat Gone

Not much happened this week on the tournament front. The game has been cruel if the Truth be told.
Played four comps on blue square and its all been pretty nasty. Went deep in a $20 dollar freeze out to end up with pocket Kings getting slaughtered by the chip leaders kq came good with the miracle queen on the river for trips after me getting him all in on the turn with minimal holdings.
The others nothing really happened for me to get going. Found myself getting off to a slow start and by the time I had a chance to get going seemed to run into and idiot each time. Aces busted by pocket eights, trip eights busted by trip queens and ak suited failing against aq off.
After a dreaded few games back to back, the paranoia kicked in a bit about the whole only game a it does.
I switched over to poker stars and tried to start a fresh.
Poker stars is a site i absolutely adore for the size of its comps and things. The amount of players in their comps, the structures and the quality of play is great. The only negative thing for me about poker stars would be the hand history.
Hand history is something I use a lot of and on stars its a lot hardy to read compared to the likes of the i poker networks hand history.
That may seem pretty picky but when I play i spend a lot of time re analyzing the histories comparing how people played different hands and such and the way they bet the nuts etc. so this becomes an important park of my game that I just cant do on stars as easy as I can on i poker.
Haven't done that much on there. I played a few sit n goes had a couple of places but no profit actually made a loss.
Went pretty deep in a six handed event I played after being chipped up for the whole tournament but came up short in the end and didn't make the money so a pretty rubbish week in the office.... played live at southport but I will leave that to the next post. So for now its fare well amigo's............skipper


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